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mission and vision
Many brilliant people believe that ideas move mountains but bulldozers move mountains. Ideas show where the bulldozers should go to work.”
Peter Drucker, University professor and management consultant 1909-2005

Avellan Business Consulting can help you to find out where your bulldozers should go to work

Direct forward and check back in a new way


The mission of Avellan Business Consulting is to help companies and organizations to improve their profitability and efficiency in sales and logistics.

The target group is companies that are positive towards use of external expertise for analysis / activities they want to do, but do not have the time or own vacant expertise at the moment.

Capabilities include analysis, development of business plans, and strategic proposals for action in areas including sales, marketing, marketing communications, pricing and inventory management.

When appropriate, active support in product development, promotion, sales and logistics tasks can also be provided.

Avellan Business Consulting offers fast and efficient business / profitability improvement consulting services ( value for money/often fixed price ) including analyses focusing on operational business issues and proposing profitability and efficiency measures.

  • A unique overall concept to increase focus on product profitability.
Think product profitability in a new way to supplement your regular business reporting, irrespective of SAP, QlikView or other business system. Improve product profitability by looking at business figures from a new perspective and develop guidelines for future action (forward control) and see how did it go? (Check back)
Product assortment analysis per product and breakdown of all products in four business segments ( star, cash cow , slow mover and dog).

Result current year compared to last year and identification of profitability change per item or product to see how profitable sales and pricing policy has been over the years .Proposed actions in sales, marketing , pricing and inventory control .
  • Market door opening missions for smaller EU companies who want to enter the Swedish and Finnish markets
  • Agent for the company Security Solution Scandinavia that offers computer programs for risk management “Risk Solution” and “Audit Solution” for comparing the current situation to the requirements stated in the standards , regulations or internal guidelines
  • Workshops on pricing strategies and pricing techniques
  • Mapping of profitability in processes. Each step gets a price tag.
Avellan Business Consulting implements first an analysis of chosen business areas and then presents a written report with proposals for measures and actions, such as making changes in pricing, inventory management, marketing or sales.

Implementation of the analysis (3-6 days) is conducted with a focus on operational business issues and presentation of proposals to profitability and efficiency measures. If necessary, additional efforts can be made after an initial review with the client.
Avellan Business Consulting is a company based on more than 25 years of hands-on experience in the industrial marketplace. The goal of the company is to be associated with these values.
  • Skilled
  • Creative
  • Market and customer oriented